Professionals serving the wine industry

Fine Wine Investment

Building a portfolio

In fine wine investment, we offer end-to-end services from acquisitions to bonded warehouse storage to wine trading.  Our clients have the option to either store their wine in a bonded warehouse such as Vinotheque or Octavian or take immediate delivery.

We also regularly offer wine to connossieurs for enjoyment.  Should you be interested to be added into our distribution list to receive wine offers, please contact us.


我司在红酒投资方面,提供一条龙的服务,透过我司与莊园及酒商的网络,葡萄酒直接输出,贵客可选择把酒存在补税仓,例如是Tilbury, Vinotheque或Octavian,甚至是在法国波尔多。此外,我们也有特选优质葡萄酒供饮家享用。假如想了解更多,请与我们联络。 

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AMC has a set of stringent criteria at sourcing and selecting wine.  The stocks are then either delivered to HK or stored in a bonded warehouse in London.  Our clients also have an option to store the stocks in a secure warehouse in HK.  When clients wish to sell stocks, AMC offer to sell the stocks on the market.  The entire process is professionally executed. 

There is no minimum amount required for the purchase of wine.